Trivia crack cheats airplane mode
Trivia crack cheats airplane mode

trivia crack cheats airplane mode

If you prefer not to cheat, remember there are lots of ways to study up on trivia and facts. It is unclear if Trivia Crack has become aware of this cheat, so keep doing it until they figure it out. Since Trivia Crack needs to be online, by you putting your phone into airplane mode, you are tricking the system. You can keep doing this simple airplane mode cheat and you will keep getting the answers wrong and then right. Of course, make sure you also are disabling Wi-Fi.įinally, go back into Trivia Crack and answer the question correctly (the same answer and category will popup). Now, go back into your settings and turn off airplane mode (putting your data and phone back online). But, do not worry, since you were in airplane mode, Trivia Crack did not record your incorrect answer to the servers and you will get another stab at it. If it is wrong, it will show you that it is wrong and give you the right answer. (Useful if you accidentally turn off airplane mode at any point) 7. After the book gets auto returned, you can put the downloaded file back onto your kindle and it doesn’t get deleted/returned again.

#Trivia crack cheats airplane mode download

Next, go back to the Trivia Crack app and answer the question. Or choose download and transfer via usb from your My Content and Devices page. Now, exit the app and go to your phone's settings or however you put your phone into airplane mode. Do not answer the question just yet, though. Simply start up a game and spin the wheel. YouTube user ReconFlowJoe found a simple way to cheat in Trivia Crack and you do not have to be an elite hacker to figure it out. Have no fear, there is a way to get all the answers correct, without much effort. Since most people have played the game, likely hundreds of times, they know that there are some tough questions on there. Trivia Crack is the highly addictive and most popular app on smartphones right now.

trivia crack cheats airplane mode

If you have not been playing Trivia Crack, you must be living under a rock.

Trivia crack cheats airplane mode